The Flourishing Experiment

If you feel like life is flying by and you want more out of it, then this is the episode for you!Host Kari Gormley discusses positive psychology interventions, including the science behind them, the how-to basics, when to use them, and why.  She also chats about savoring and positive reminiscence. Runner of the Week, JJ Weisberg, shares how she went from being a runner who focused on just getting in her miles to learning how to savor running and her surroundings.

Update: The next Flourishing Skills groups will start in September. This is an opportunity to learn skills to create a flourishing life via working in a small group of like-minded individuals. Email to learn more.

Find out the 11 Strategies to Live a Running Lifestyle HERE.

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Please go HERE for this episode’s show notes.

Please tweet me your biggest takeaways at @KariGormley!

Direct download: savoring-life-on-the-run-jj-08-09-2018.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am EST