The Flourishing Experiment

Lisa Kohn, an executive coach, author, and trainer shares her memoir, To the Moon and Back: A Childhood Under the Influence. Lisa shares what a cult is, how she abused herself by becoming suicidal, anorexic, and having a “mild addiction to cocaine” (Lisa’s words), to finally learning how to practice self-compassion. Kari and Lisa discuss how her experience impacts how she chooses to run and how running runs or does not run her life. Serena Marie, RD, discusses what three oils to cook with and which to avoid.

Update: The next online Flourishing Skills group will start on Thursday, October 4, 2018. If you’re feeling stressed out and are looking for some tools to live a life of flourishing and well-being, then this group is an opportunity to learn skills and put them into practice straight away. If you’ve been trying to reach a goal for the longest time, science shows that having a coach is an effective and empowering way to meet your goal. Coaching prices go up effective October 1, 2018. Email to learn more.

Find out the 11 Strategies to Live a Running Lifestyle HERE.

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Please go HERE for this episode’s show notes.

Please tweet me your biggest takeaways at @KariGormley!

Direct download: lisa-kohn-09-27-2018.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am EST