The Flourishing Experiment

Bart Yasso, Runner’s World Chief Running Officer, discusses how running has saved his life and taken him all around the world. We hear how to start running, why running is taking off right now, and how to be a part of the running community. Bart gives us the low down on the Bare Bones 5K in good detail. He also shares with us how Lyme disease has impacted his running. Whether you’re a seasoned runner or just thinking about running, you’ll want to hear this interview.

Direct download: bart-yasso-9-2014-lq.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 4:00am EST

Dominick, who is a massage therapist and yoga teacher, discusses bad memories from his childhood of being chased by bullies to actually embracing the sport of running and liking it. We hear about the fun 5K races that Dominick runs and how he uses running as a time to meditate and be mindful of how his body is moving.

Direct download: dominick-martio-9-2014-lq.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 4:10am EST

Nik Toochek, youngest person to run 7 marathons on 7 continents, comes on the show with his dad to discuss his dream, how his family financed the trip, how he juggled it with only being 10 & 11 years old, and how he has raised money for kids who normally wouldn’t have coats. We discuss the highlights of each marathon and the amazing things Nik and his dad Dan Toochek saw while being present in the moment.

Direct download: nik-dan-toocheck-9-2014-lq.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 4:00am EST

Grant Baldwin, motivational speaker and all-around good guy, comes on the show to share his tips and tricks of balancing a career that takes him around the country with a family of five while participating in runs and triathlons. We hear a lot of inspiring ideas and thought provoking questions about how to make your life great.

Direct download: grant-baldwin-9-2014-lq.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 4:00am EST

Serena Marie, RD comes on the show to discuss a fat adapted diet, sweet potatoes, and also the sugar detox program she is currently on. I also talk with Meaghan Nana-Sinkam to hear about her experience at the Bird and Hand 5K and Half Marathon in Bird and Hand, PA.

Direct download: bird-in-hand-9-2014-lq.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 4:41am EST

Anna Vocino, actress, comedian, voice-over talent and hit podcaster shares how she slips running and strength training in to her Hollywood lifestyle. We discuss Anna’s journey to finding out she has Celiac disease and then switching over to a grain-free sugar free cookbook. Anna’s a funny lady and was a riot to chat with.

Direct download: anna-vocino-9-2014-lq.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 4:00am EST

Eric Tivers, licensed clinical social worker, psychotherapist and man with ADHD discusses the huge benefit of exercise for getting more things done. He shares tips and tricks of how to be intentional with your time and must-read and -have apps.

Direct download: eric-tivers-9-2014-lq.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 4:00am EST

If you’re racing around or just visiting Disney World, you won’t want to miss this episode. My husband Robert Gormley and I talk about where to run and not run at Disney World. In addition, I discuss my favorite and not-so favorite restaurants to eat gluten free while Robert talks about all the dishes he enjoys (with gluten) in our four visits in the past four years to Disney World. We also talk about the deluxe hotels we have stayed at ands also discuss a moderate hotel we are looking to stay at next year.

Serena Marie, RD joins the show for Free for All Friday and discusses the food of the week, micro greens.

Direct download: disney-recap-9-2014-lq.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 4:30am EST

Cheryl Brown, personal trainer and running coach, shares with us how she started running and what is the key to success for beginners. We discuss the number one mistake new runners make, the equipment a runner needs, how to strength train at home, and how to mix things up when you’re looking for a change.

Direct download: cheryl-brown-8-2014-lq.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 4:00am EST

Valerie Groth shares with us how completing a run you never thought possible can help you realize that the impossible is possible. From a life coach and social worker, we hear how finding the one thing that makes you get outside of your comfort zone can make a huge difference in your relationships and how you view the world. Val gives some great tips about what to have while running a race, and where to find motivation.

Direct download: val-groth-9-2014-lq.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 2:15pm EST

Kari discusses Jeff Haden’s article "7 Things Happy People Do" and how running is integrated with happiness. Serena Marie RD comes on the show and reveals the Food of the week and why garlic is a great herb to eat. Kari and Serena share many recipes of cooking with garlic.

The Running Lifestyle also launches its first Monthly Challenge which is (drum roll please):

Write down 3 things you are grateful for 5 times a week.  Being grateful for the small things is something happy people do.

I’d love to hear what you are grateful for and how the challenge is working for you. Please check in with your progress on Facebook, Twitter or by emailing me and we can help keep each other be accountable to writing down what we are grateful for.

Serena Marie, RD discusses garlic and how it's great for our hearts and rich in sulfur and selenium.  Serena likes to make her own salsa with uncooked garlic tomatoes, avocado, and cilantro. 

She also likes to roast broccoli in a 400 degree oven with lemon and parmesan. When the brocolli comes out of the oven, toss it with pine nuts and fresh garlic.

Himalayan salt is her preferred type of salt. It doesn’t need to be iodized because its already iodized.

Kari puts garlic in a marinade or salad dressing and presses a lot of garlic at once. By pressing a lot of garlic at one time, it makes it possible to save the extra and use in other recipes.

Direct download: kari-happy-people-9-2014-lq.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 4:00am EST

Nichole Bukowski, a runner, educator, Balanced Athlete instructor, Spin instructor and yoga instructor shares her passion. If you’re having a challenging time right now, then you definitely want to drop everything and listen to Nichole. I had goose bumps interviewing her and I wonder if you will too listening to her story.

Show Notes

    Running as a Kid
    Watching the Boston Marathon as a student at Boston College and the tool of visualization
    Her first marathon and how she was connected
    How she cross trains and teaches at the same time
    The School she runs (pun intended) and how movement helps students
    Why run with friends and/or a running club
    How running got her through a divorce and job loss at the same time
    Her favorite quotes to get “fired up”
    The Magic of Marathon Monday


Nicholes’ Go To Words of Encouragement:

“Live in the Moment You are In”

“Meet yourself where you are at”



Sommerville Road Runners

Contact Nichole

Direct download: nichole-bukowski-8-2014-lq1.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 4:00am EST

Nicole Randazzo, occupational therapist (OT) shares with us the power of having our bodies in a calm state to be able to attend to everything we need to attend to on a daily basis. Understanding what physical activity makes us feel our best and then fitting it in the day needs to be a priority and Nicole discusses her trick to get it in.

Topics Discussed

    What is sensory processing and why should we care
    Why diagnosis such as autism, ADHD-PI, and sensory processing disorder are on the rise
    Executive functioning, what it is and how it affects your life
    The power of knowing what type of movement helps bring you in to a calm state
    An activity in schools to help center children that all people can use
    What’s going on if you find that, as you age, you get motion sickness earlier than you think
    The go to mantra Nicole has to make sure she is able to juggle family and career while seeking balance

Reach out to Nicole via

Direct download: nicole-randazzo-8-2014-lq.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 4:00am EST