The Flourishing Experiment

Come along and celebrate with Serena Marie, RD, Meaghan Nana-Sinkam, Cheryl Brown and me as we celebrate the 50th episode of the Running Lifestyle Show. We talk about the gift of running and podcasting, memorable episodes, the roller coaster of emotions, and putting intentions out to the universe and receiving them. We also talk about running in Chicago.

Direct download: christmas-cheryl-12-25-lq.mp3
Category:Sports and Recreation -- posted at: 4:00am EST

Serena Scott Thomas, Chi Running coach, explains how to run with Chi Running principles in addition to sharing her love of running. Serena oozes inspiration on how to get out of bed and go for a run. We hear from John Harris of the Back of Pack podcast about what happens when you are the last person to finish a race. Serena Marie, RD, tells us how to pick the best dark chocolate.

Direct download: serena-scott-thomas-12-2014-lq.mp3
Category:Health -- posted at: 7:30am EST

Margaret Webb, author of Older, Faster, Stronger: What Women Runners Can Teach Us All About Living Younger, Longer, shares her year of researching older runners and how they keep running strong. We also discuss Margaret’s year of dedicating herself to having a super-fit year. Margaret gives us tips on how to start and keep on going. Serena Marie, RD, busts the food myth about Greek yogurt and runner-of-the-week Tricia Meyer shares how running has changed the lives of the people around her.

Direct download: margaret-webb-12-2014-lq.mp3
Category:Sports and Recreation -- posted at: 5:05am EST

Susan Nowell, physical therapist, comes back on the show to talk about common injuries that occur during the holidays and how to prevent them. Susan also answers listeners’ questions regarding IT Band issues and stress fractures. Serena Marie, RD, shares what foods to eat after a run to aid in recovery.  Jason Pina is our listener of the week, and he explains how running marathons has changed his life.  Our monthly guest, Vinnie Tortorich, trainer to the stars, talks about a problem area many runners ignore.

Full show notes:

Direct download: susan-nowell-12-2014-lq.mp3
Category:Sports and Recreation -- posted at: 7:32am EST