The Flourishing Experiment

Nicole DeBoom, Ironman winner, mom, and business owner, has used her talent, passion, and competitive spirit to change the clothes women run in. Nicole and I go for a run, have some girl talk and hear about why it’s so key for Nicole’s body to be strong for her mind to be strong. We also talk about guys and their, um, bodies. Serena Marie, RD, and I talk about body image too. And Serena Marie’s friend Katie Zakreski joins us as the Runner of the Week.

Direct download: nicole-deboom-1-2015-lq.mp3
Category:Sports and Recreation -- posted at: 4:30am EST

Dr. Teri Goetz, doctor of Chinese medicine and integrative medicine comes back on the show to discuss her own journey with Sjögren’s disease, Hashimoto’s disease and chronic Lyme disease and what she wants you to know from a medical and also personal standpoint. In addition, Dr. Teri Goetz is a life coach and integrates lifestyle choices to overcome autoimmune disorders  Serena Marie, RD, returns to talk about. Three points of view of the Pickle Run in Media, PA is shared along with the details about the Back on Your Feet organization.

Direct download: teri-goetz-1-2015-lq.mp3
Category:Sports and Recreation -- posted at: 5:49am EST

Dr. John Ratey, a psychiatrist, explains how the brain functions and how just standing can increase focus by 7-10%. We discuss how walking can increase creativity by at least 25%. Walking alone can be like taking a little Ritalin, a little Prozac, and a little Adderall. Serena Marie, RD, uncovers how canola oil is not the darling oil some once thought it was. Pam Mirels, comes on and talks about the gifts she has received from running and the fun places to hang out in NYC.

Direct download: john-ratey-1-2015-lq.mp3
Category:Sports and Recreation -- posted at: 4:00am EST

Serena Marie, RD, gives us the low down of what a fat adapted diet is, why we both believe it’s the most nutrient dense diet, and how to go about eating it. Plenty of tips and tricks are shared. Warning, this episode could be life changing.

Visit for the show notes, or go there directly:

Direct download: serena-becky-1-2015-lq.mp3
Category:Sports and Recreation -- posted at: 5:42am EST

Helen Samson Mullen, an Executive and Life Coach, trained by the likes of Brene Brown and Martha Beck, walks us through how using a vision board can create opportunities for your life. We use my vision board created in November 2013 as an example of what can happen when using this tool. Serena Marie, RD, discusses how she makes New Year's resolutions stick. Our Runner of the Week is Helena Bouchez, who shares how she is using running as a way to manage her ADHD. Vinnie Tortorich shares his mantra for 2015.

Direct download: helen-samson-mullen-1-2015.mp3
Category:Sports and Recreation -- posted at: 4:00am EST