Thu, 26 March 2015
Joanne Ambrogi, physical therapist, yoga instructor, world-class athlete and massage therapist joins Serena Marie, RD, and Kari to discuss the book, The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg. The ladies go in depth about the key parts of a habit and discuss examples from the book and their own lives. |
Fri, 20 March 2015
Dean Karnazes comes on and shares the challenge he gave us. Let’s just say Serena Marie, RD, and I say “bring it on”. J.D. Beiting discusses all the details you need to know to join Dean, Serena and me with Action for Healthy Kids. Check out for more information. |
Thu, 19 March 2015
Hear Andrew Weaver, John Harris, Jessica Jones, Dave Summers, Serena Marie, RD, and my experience running the 2015 Rock 'N' Half Marathon. We talk all things course, expo, transportation, nutrition and words of advice. In addition the race is compared other half marathons across the country. Full show notes at |
Thu, 12 March 2015
Melanie Curtis, a life coach, sky diving coach, and world traveler, shares with us how running around the world has opened up opportunities in her life. The Runner Dad, Matt Orlando, discusses what running has done for him spiritually, mentally, and physically in addition to how it’s given him the ability to connect with famous runners. Serena Marie, RD, discusses whether you need to eat breakfast every day.
Direct download: melanie-curtis-3-2015-lq.mp3
Category:Sports and Recreation -- posted at: 4:10am EST |
Thu, 5 March 2015
Mike Silverman, Physical Therapist and Running Gait specialist analyzes Kari’s gait through a multiple tests. During the test, Mike uncovers common runners weaknesses Kari demonstrates which has led to ITband issues in the past. Many exercises, word of advice and wisdom are shared to help all runners keep on running strong. Serena Marie, RD, discusses the correlation between gut health and depression. Cliff Ravenscraft, the King of Podcasting, is our Runner of the Week and he shares how he has gone to ignoring his health to becoming a runner and soon to be tri athlete. Our monthly visitor, Vinnie Tortorich comes on the show to discuss March’s book of the month. A runner’s meet up in NYC in February is discussed with Sarah Boschung.
Direct download: mike-silverman-03-2015-lq.mp3
Category:Sports and Recreation -- posted at: 4:58am EST |