The Flourishing Experiment

Vicki Huber Rudawsky, a 2-time track Olympian shares with us how she used visualization skills, cleaning up her diet, sleeping more, listening to her body and two run in the 88 and 96 Olympics. What’s especially inspiring about Vicki’s story is she had a young child at home when she qualified for the 96 Olympics. We specifically discuss:

  • How she overcame injuries
  • Raising a child as a single parent and training for the Olympics
  • How she has evolved as a runner through the years
  • How her husband has really helped her stay healthy as an athlete
  • The cross training Vicki participates in
  • How much both of us like our ElliptiGo
  • Vicki’s words of wisdom for runners

If you’d like to help provide healthy school breakfast and lunch programs for kids and support the show, please donate to Team Kari and Serena when we run the Chicago and NYC Marathons for Action for Healthy Kids. Click HERE to get the ball moving.

Our Runner of the Week is Marty Beene, who is a USTA Track and Field coach. Marty LOVES to run races, just LOVES to run races. He shares what are the three common mistake most runners (himself included) make, and his thoughts about how to keep on running. Marty, at 53 just ran his fastest 5K and 10K since 2001, and doesn’t have any aches and pains. When asked if Marty was going to run another marathon, he enthusiastically said, “Absolutely Not!”. He’s interested in running races every week because of the joy of racing. Every body is different. :-)

Serena Marie, RD, and I hang out and talk and laugh about how our nutrition has evolved. We share the food we were brought up on and how it’s different from what we eat today. Serena talks about the one food that drives her nuts, and I talk about who growing up I thought healthy food was for the really “weird” people. We definitely had some laughs during this conversation, but then again, we usually do. What Serena discovered from her own experience led her to research further and to counsel her patients in a different way. Let’s just say, as you know, Serena and I are on the same page about recommending a nutrient dense, anti inflammatory diet.

Vicki Huber Rudawsky:
Facebook: /vicki.rudawsky

Marty Beene:
Facebook: /BeTheRunner
Twitter: /betherunner

Serena Marie, RD:
Facebook: /SerenaMarieRD
Twitter: @SerenaMarieRD
Instagram: SerenaMarieRD

Direct download: vikki-huber-rudowsky2-7-2015.mp3
Category:Sports and Recreation -- posted at: 4:00am EST

Vicki Huber Rudawsky, a 2 Time track Olympian shares with us how she used visualization skills, cleaning up her diet, sleeping more, listening to her body and two run in the 88 and 96 Olympics.  What’s especially inspiring about Vicki’s story is she had a young child at home when she qualified for the 96 Olympics.  We specifically discuss:

  • Transitioning from a high school athlete to a collegiate athlete
  • What she did after her freshman year in college to be the best she could be
  • How changing her mindset was “huge”
  • Why it’s quality and not quantity
  • How we evolve as runners
  • Why keeping a running log is really important
  • Look for reasons, not excuses
  • What plays in to reaching your goals sometimes
  • How she overcame the fear of running in her first Olympics

Next week, during part 2 of 2 of Vicki’s interview, we get more in depth with how she overcame injuries, the very challenging road she had from raising a child on her own to qualifying for the 96 Olympics, the amazing running community that treated her like family, how she has evolved as a runner through the years, the huge impact her husband has had on her running career, cross training, and what she recommends for any runner.

All kids in the US don’t have access to safe playgrounds and fitness programs and Serena Marie, RD and I are trying to make a difference by raising money for Action for Healthy Kids when we run the Chicago and NYC Marathons.  Like the show, want to help kids? Please run over to [] and please donate. Every dollar counts!  Twenty Five dollars provides a school breakfast for a kid for an entire month and fifty dollars provides a fitness program.

Our Runner of the Week this week is Sarah Andrus, who is also a running friend of mine.  Sarah shares how and why she became a runner “later in life” (at age 48), the races she has run, why she runs, and how she keeps motivated to keep on running.

Serena Marie, RD, talks glycemic index and why she doesn’t think it’s a great tool to use when evaluating what foods to eat. You need to look at all of the nutrients of a food item in addition to food combining.  Serena also discusses when to eat high sugar foods and what foods are good to eat when trying to go to sleep.

Serena and I talk about how are training is coming along (let’s just say it’s been HOT on the east coast and our times have slowed down but have also give us confidence for the fall Chicago and also NYC marathons) and the progress we are making when it comes to raising money for Action for Healthy Kids.  Everyone who donates during the month of July will be put in a raffle to win a 30 minute “hang out” session with Kari Gormley and Serena Marie, RD.  Also, the person who donates the most amount of money will be a runner of the week in August.

Serena Marie RD and me (Kari Gormley) were asked to try SportSuds laundry detergent. My friends Becky Kotsifsas and Sarah Andrus wanted to get on the fun and try the detergent too as it states it takes the stink out of athletic clothes among other things. The four of us get on a four way call and all come to the conclusion that we were shocked how well it worked, not to mention being so impressed that it doesn’t use harmful chemicals such as phylates, parabens, and bleach.


Vicki Huber Rudawsky:

Facebook: /vicki.rudawsky

Sarah Andrus:
Facebook /sarah.baker.andrus
Twitter: @sarahba


Serena Marie, RD:
Facebook: /SerenaMarieRD
Twitter: @SerenaMarieRD
Instagram: SerenaMarieRD


Becky Kotsifas:
becky headshot
Twitter: @BeckyKotsifas

Direct download: vikki-huber-rudowsky-7-2015.mp3
Category:Sports and Recreation -- posted at: 4:00am EST

Find out how to mix vacation with exercise when my husband, Robert Gormley, and I talk about different vacations we’ve taken around the world. John Bell, our Runner of the Week, has completed over 100 marathons around the world and discusses some of his favorite races. Some of the races discussed are Paris, London, Great Wall, and New York City. John shares his top tip for how to recover from a marathon when on a trip. Serena Marie, RD, talks about whether or not orange juice is a great choice. We also have an update on our training for the Chicago and New York City Marathons for Action for Healthy Kids. In addition, Serena and I review the FitBit Surge.

If you would like to help expand school breakfast and lunch programs and provide greatly needed fitness equipment for kids, please donate to Action for Healthy through

Robert and I specifically address:

·         Our traveling background and how we met

·         Some of the trips we have taken so “you” would know where we’re coming from

·         How to mix cross training with vacation

·         Why Paris is my favorite place to run

·         Where some of our favorite beaches are located


John Bell discusses:

·         Why the Wall of China Marathon is one of the most challenging in the world

·         What is so special about Paris

·         Why the London Marathon reminds him of NYC

·         Comparing running in Rome vs Paris

·         How he mixes marathon races and traveling at the same time

Serena and I talk:

·         If orange juice is a great choice and what would be a better choice for nutrient density

·         How our training for the Chicago and NYC Marathons are coming along

·         Why donating to Action for Healthy Kids can make a difference

·         How to listen to your body and not your training plan

·         Our experiences with the Fitbit Surge, which is what our cohort, Dean Karnazes wears


Direct download: robert-gormley-07-2015.mp3
Category:Sports and Recreation -- posted at: 4:00am EST

Serena Marie, RD, and I discuss why beans are great for gut health and how to introduce beans into your diet. Remember: Beans are not a good choice for fueling, because you don't want to be running for the bathroom. We talk about how the fiber in beans is a better choice than the fiber in a grain such as quinoa. She also discusses how to cook beans and what she eats the night before a marathon.

When you have the option, it’s a better choice to have cooked beans rather than canned beans.

Side note: Beans really don't have much protein in them, and when you look at the difference between protein and carbohydrates, they’re not the best choice.

This was a podcast episode dedicated to our vegan friends who eat a lot of beans. Soak beans for four to six days until they sprout, and then you can eat them raw.


If you’re running the Chicago Marathon, please save the date for the evening of Friday, October 9th. Serena Marie, RD, and I are planning something special.  The best way to stay in touch is to head over to and register for the 5 Questions to Ask Yourself To Start or live the Running Lifestyle.

Direct download: serena-beans-07-2015.mp3
Category:Sports and Recreation -- posted at: 4:00am EST

It’s all about protein bars, Kari checking in with Jeff Galloway, and our runner of the week, Russ Perry. Russ talks about Ragnar trail races and running in Arizona. We’re having a protein bar parade. Woo hoo! Listeners of the show, well actually friends since they have contacted us, have been asking what are Serena Marie, RD’s, favorite protein bars and why. We hear you loud and clear so “we are a answering”. It makes perfect sense why bars are so popular as they are portable, easy, and convenient. Here’s what goes down on our protein bar focused episode:

  • What Serena Marie, RD, looks for when selecting a protein bar
  • WHEN (this is HUGE) to eat a protein bar
  • Lara Bars and why Serena says the ingredient list is gorgeous
  • Why Serena says to have the peanut butter cookie bar IF you are going to choose a Lara Bar
  • Kind Bars and why Serena Marie, RD, has mixed feelings
  • If Serena has a sweet tooth or not and what she has to be mindful of
  • The strange breakfast I had before a 4.5 mile trail run with Team Healthy Kids teammate, Todd Miller
  • Why Quest Bars are a treat and not real food enough for our Real Food Dietitian, Serena Marie, RD
  • XO Bars and how they have a lot of fat and protein and the surprise ingredient
  • Epic Bars which Serena likes and let’s just say I tried one (bison) and need to try some more as my first impression wasn’t a great one
  • Bricks Bars which are made in Brooklyn, NY, use grass fed meat, whole ingredients and Serena says are so delicious
  • Why we discuss Norway and how it brings on the “sillies” and why we want to hear from Norwegians
  • Serena’s final recommendation when it comes to protein bars
  • Our mantras when we go shopping so we don’t buy trigger foods
  • We want to try more bars - just contact us through the contact form and by registering for the 5 Questions to Ask Yourself to Live the Running Lifestyle

Jeff Galloway is back, back again, but to check in to see how three weeks of running Galloway style in preparation for the Chicago and New York City Marathons are coming along. I had a lot of questions and comments about running the Galloway method and cross training, and Jeff answered them all. Like Jeff, Meb, and Dean Karnazes, I too am cross training with an ElliptiGo. Thank you ElliptiGo for sponsoring me with a “Go” (for short) for my fall marathon training.

If you haven’t heard, Serena Marie, RD and I are running both the Chicago and NYC Marathon for Action for Healthy Kids. Action for Healthy Kids provides grants for school breakfast and lunch programs and fitness equipment.

Donate Here!

Our runner of the week, Russ Perry, claims he is not a runner, but then is convinced that he is. Don’t you love those types of runners of the week? :-) We learn about the Ragnar Trail Race in Arizona (so want to do this race!), and how to train and not train for a race. It’s kind of funny what Russ reveals and a lot of people can probably relate. :-)


Serena Marie, RD:
Facebook: /SerenaMarieRD
Twitter: @SerenaMarieRD
Instagram: SerenaMarieRD


Jeff Galloway:
Facebook: /jeffgallowayfan
Twitter: @JeffGalloway


Russ Perry:
Facebook: /russperry
Twitter: @russperry

Direct download: serena-marie-bars-7-2015.mp3
Category:Sports and Recreation -- posted at: 4:00am EST