The Flourishing Experiment

Happy Global Running Day! The day has finally come to take inspiration from The Running Lifestyle Show and put it into action! We’ve pleased to announce the inaugural The Running Lifestyle Camp!

What is The Running Lifestyle Camp?

  • You (and only YOU) get to decide what success and happiness is to you (not what the Joneses say, but YOU)
  • It is a fun-filled, nine-week, eighteen-session camp.
  • We offer two live Zoom sessions per week—on Mondays (Monday Night Campfire Motivation) from 8–8:45 p.m. EST and on Fridays (Friday Afternoon “Tug of War”) from 1–1:45 p.m. EST—that will also be recorded.
  • We’ll feature Camp Counselors who are specialists in their fields to answer your questions that you submit ahead of time.

The Running Lifestyle Camp Schedule

  • June 13: Kari Gormley, Camp Director, helps you find your North Star, write down your Camp goals, and figure out your intentions.
  • June 20: Serena Marie, RD, will answer your nutritional questions live.
  • June 27: Robert Rosenberg, sleep doctor and author of Sleep Soundly Every Night, Feel Fantastic Every Day, will answer your questions.
  • July 4–10: Camp Recess: We’ll catch you back on July 11.
  • July 11: Fellow runner and creative guru, Brent Robertson (design agency owner, a Cub Scout leader and marathoner) talks about what happens when you go to the great outdoors to obtain your greatest health benefits.
  • July 18: Integrative medicine and general practitioner Vinny Kripalu, MD, will share what habits are keystone for living a deep, fulfilled life of health and happiness.
  • July 25: Athletic trainer, podcaster, marathoner, and past guest of The Running Lifestyle Show, Denny Krahe from the Diz Runs Podcast, answers your questions about injuries and the exercises that have helped runners overcome common injuries.
  • August 1: Chetna Kripalu, MD, will share the habits she uses to lead a healthy life and what you can do too.
  • August 8: Physical therapist, meditation teacher, yoga teacher, world-class lacrosse player, and teacher of A Year To Live class, Joanne Ambrogi, will chat with us about taking a holistic view of our bodies.
  • August 15: How have you celebrated your life this summer? What has come into it? Who has come into it? How are your relationships? Did you see some shifts in your life? This week will be one big bonfire of love and laughter.

Who is this The Running Lifestyle Camp not for?

  • You prefer to do things by yourself. You don’t need someone to help you and/or you don’t like to be part of a group that is working on habits, behaviors, and relationships.
  • You want to qualify for the Boston Marathon or become a professional runner, and you want to know how to do it.
  • You just want to talk about running and injuries, and that’s it.
  • I am so overwhelmed this summer, and all I want to do is chill.

Sign Me Up!
Reserve your spot today for this exclusive opportunity by signing up here. If you register by Wednesday, June 8, 2016 (midnight EST), you’ll be invited to our special pre-Camp session via Zoom on Thursday, June 9 from 8–8:45 p.m. EST! This is a time to meet your fellow campers before Camp officially kicks off.

Option 1: A one-time price of $297 paid upfront via Paypal

Option 2: A payment plan of $198 in two installments (the first payment will be due before Camp, and the second will be due 30 days after Camp ends)

Money-Back Guarantee

If you attend all of the sessions in the first 30 days, you’ve done the “Camp take-home activities,” and you don’t see any positive shifts in your life, you will receive a refund. This Camp is about creating a life that you love, and anything worth doing takes work!

Got Questions?

Contact Kari at today!

Direct download: trls-camp-01-announcement-06-01-2016.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:33am EST