The Flourishing Experiment

Kari offers running tips to well-known comedian, Dan Nainan, who’s looking to become a runner. They also talk about how Dan cheated death recently and about his upcoming running journey. Go-to-, real-food dietitian, Serena Marie, RD, answers a listener’s question about salt and electrolytes. Kari shares some breaking news regarding the City of Brotherly Love!

How do you pursue your passion and still be realistic? How do you do something you love by making a major shift in your life (whether it be your career, relationships, habits, or so on)? This week, comedian Dan Nainan runs by to talk about this very topic; he also receives some sage running advice from Kari.

Also, check out these TRLS episodes that we recommend:

  • LS Episode 92: An M.D. Living The Running Lifestyle (with Charlie Barkowski of Running with Miles)

Featured Guest and (Future) Runner of the Week: Dan Nainan

Comedian and world traveler Dan Nainan stops by to get some running advice from Kari and to talk about his future running journey.

Pleate note: Always consult your physician. The following interview is not intended to replace the advice of your physician or medical care provider.

  • Dan wants to take up running and was interested in a recent New York Times article titled, “Meet the Ultra-Fat, Super-Cushioned Running Shoe.”
  • Kari recommends going into a local running store (like Paragon Sports near Dan in New York City). Kari says that the latest research shows to do what comfortable is for you in terms of sneakers.
  • Kari asks Dan to talk about his The Mistake Podcast appearance with Peter Shankman and Peter Keller in Episode 25: “Corporate to Comedy—Finding Time to Pursue Your Passion with Dan Nainan.”
  • Kari asks Dan about changing careers and stereotypes.
  • Back in December 2015, he was working out with a personal trainer for the first time doing a lot of cardio, and he passed out in the locker room. A day later he had brain surgery for an epidural hematoma (which can be fatal).
  • Dan talks about his recovery, which included physical therapy and occupational therapy.
  • He has always been healthy, eats right, and doesn’t drink or smoke.
  • Kari asks what Dan’s fitness routine looks like now and where he’s looking to take it.
  • He tries to get in 10–12 thousand steps per day now, and uses his FitBit.
  • Kari recommends the FitBit Surge.
  • She recommends getting the Jeff Galloway introduction 5K program.
  • Kari also recommends looking up the New York Road Runners for some introduction programs and to meet fellow runners.
  • She mentions using an ElliptiGO in Central Park.
  • Kari talks about HIIT workouts, which some research shows is healthier for you than running for longer times.
  • Dan feels that it’s never too late to change your career, your health, or whatever you decide to change.

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Serena Marie, RD

Serena Marie, RD, answers a listener’s question about salt and hydration.

  • She’s OK with those who do not have a diagnosis of high blood pressure using salt in their diets BUT only if they choose the majority of their foods from clean, unprocessed food sources.
  • It’s OK to have frozen fruits and vegetables in your diet, but steer clear of convenience boxed foods or frozen dinners that contain too much sodium.
  • Since we sweat so much, especially in the summer, it’s OK to replace the salt that you lose.
  • Serena recommends using a pink Himalayan sea salt.
  • Aside from Himalayan sea salt, Serena recommends Celtic salt.
  • Serena shares her thoughts on drinks like Powerade and Gatorade.
  • She recommends a drink such as Tailwind
  • For five years, Philadelphia’s Mayor Nutter tried to get a sugar tax put on drinks; however, the current mayor, Jim Kenney, just got this tax approved. Drinks will be taxed 1.5 cents per ounce. Check out the article here.

Gratitude Jar (Woot! Woot!)

Kari is grateful that Philadelphia passed the “soda tax.” She is very grateful for Mayor Nutter who gave her a huge bear hug when she crossed the Philadelphia Marathon finish line.

Serena is grateful for the discovery that she made accidentally that one of the most fun ways to get into weightlifting as a runner is to stick in some cardio in between sessions/reps, such as box jumps, jumping jacks, or kettlebell swings.

Next week, Kari interviews some of her favorite podcasters—  and Vinnie Tortorich. Anna has a new book coming out called Eat Happy.


Dan Nainan:
Facebook: /ComedianDanNainansFanPage
Twitter: @comediandan
YouTube: Dan Nainan, Comedian


Serena Marie, RD:
Facebook: /SerenaMarieRD
Twitter: @SerenaMarieRD
Instagram: SerenaMarieRD


Kari Gormley:
final unedited 2 (1 of 1)
Facebook: The Running Lifestyle Show
Twitter: @KariGormley
Instagram: @KariGormley

Direct download: dan-nainan-06-30-2016-3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am EST