Thu, 29 October 2020
For the past two weeks, I have been doing a series on sharing sayings that could be getting in your way. I’m interrupting part three of that series to instead share a timely conversation with former professional poker player and ultimate decision-maker Annie Duke. Her book, How to Decide: Simple Tools for Making Better Choices has been an extremely helpful tool for my husband and me when making family decisions. Naturally, I wanted to hear more about what Annie had to say after implementing her work already! First things first: If you are able to vote in the U.S. election and have not voted yet, read these articles from Annie and then PLEASE go vote! "Why We Assume What Went Wrong in the Last Election Will Go Wrong Now" "Hoping for a lucky break in the pandemic could cost the US economy dearly" If you have already voted, please consider sharing these articles and encouraging your friends and family to go vote! Please go HERE for this episode’s show notes. Tweet me your biggest takeaways from the episode at @KariGormley -- I’d love to hear from you! |
Thu, 22 October 2020
Last week I discussed six sayings and one word that could be hurting you rather than helping you. I focused specifically on physical sayings. This week is all about emotions -- mantras that turn out to not be true and could keep you stuck. Please go HERE for this episode’s show notes. Tweet me your biggest takeaways from the episode at @KariGormley -- I’d love to hear from you! |
Thu, 15 October 2020
Mantras can be great tools for mindfulness, focus, meditation, and more. But there are a few commonly used mantras that can hurt us more than they help. If we subscribe to these sayings we could even be doing harm to our bodies. In this first installment of a three-episode series, I’ll address five mantras that could potentially be hurting you—plus, one word in the English language that is like nails on a chalkboard! Please go HERE for this episode’s show notes. Tweet me your biggest takeaways from the episode at @KariGormley -- I’d love to hear from you! |
Thu, 8 October 2020
Ross Ruben is a professional entertainer and stuntman who uses his gifts of creativity and curiosity to create memorable events. During our conversation, you’ll hear what a DJ wants you to know when planning and attending an event, how to create memorable experiences, what to think about when taking on challenging feats and more. Please go HERE for this episode’s show notes. Tweet me your biggest takeaways from the episode at @KariGormley -- I’d love to hear from you! |
Thu, 1 October 2020
Jeff Harry is an international speaker, coach, and positive psychology practitioner who helps organizations and individuals tackle the tough stuff through play. During our playful and empowering conversation, we touched on how to laugh through tough times, handle inner and outer bullies in a playful way, and fun things to do during these unprecedented times. Please go HERE for this episode’s show notes. Tweet me your biggest takeaways from the episode at @KariGormley -- I’d love to hear from you! |