The Flourishing Experiment

Running is a celebration of humanity, and elite runner, Tera Moody, leads the way in showing us the magic of the Bank of America Chicago Marathon. Tera shares her inspiring stories in addition to what to look out for on the Chicago Marathon course and what sites to enjoy in the city.  She also tells us her favorite restaurants and the surprising good luck food she eats the day before a marathon.  Serena Marie, RD, and I discuss what research says when it comes to carb loading. It may very well surprise you.  We also give an update on our tapering for the Chicago Marathon, which is less than two weeks away.

Tera Moody:

  • Why Tera loves the Chicago Marathon
  • Why she chose the sport of running
  • Why she looks up to her brother
  • What happened her first day of cross country practice (something A LOT of us can probably relate to)
  • Why she went to the University of Colorado
  • When and why she transitioned over to running marathons
  • Why she fell in love with the marathon distance
  • What were her delusional thoughts during the 2007 Chicago Marathon (that super hot marathon where they had to close the course)
  • How 20 seconds have changed her life
  • How running in bad conditions conditioned her
  • Why you have to run your race, your pace
  • What is a focused blur
  • Tera’s favorite places along the Chicago Marathon Course
  • What we need to remember when we are out running the marathon
  • How to run the Chicago Marathon
  • Her dietary rules
  • What she eats every day that may surprise you
  • What she eats for good luck the day before a marathon
  • Portillos and Gold Coast dogs are Tera’s favorite places for hot dogs
  • Why you can’t put ketchup on a Chicago Hot dog
  • Why she eats at PotBelly’s everyday
  • Why she recommends not taking running for granted
  • Appreciate your body for what it allows you to do

The big take-aways from our chat is that running is a gift and to celebrate how fortunate we are that our bodies can experience a marathon.  I love how Tera pointed out that when she was running one of the most important races of her life, the 2007 Chicago Marathon, she was extremely mindful of the media and people surrounding her.

Tera is also our Runner of the Week, so she will receive detergent from our sponsor, Sport Suds. What makes Sport Suds unique is that it’s able to get into the microfibers of your tech shirts and really remove the unwanted scents (if you know what I mean).  Who wants to have their favorite sporting clothes - or any clothes for that matter - umm, smell?  You can receive a 15% discount as a listener of the show by heading over to and add the word “runlife”.

Tera and I talked about running being a part of our lifestyles, with hers being more her job.  If you’d like to know the 11 Strategies for Living the Running Lifestyle, please head over to to find out!

Serena Marie, RD:

  • Why carb loading is different for men and women
  • Why men should aim for 70% of their calories coming from carbs four days before a marathon
  • What the recommendations for carb loading are when it comes to women
  • What types of food to be aware of and possibly avoid 48-72 hours before a marathon
  • The Little Beet in NYC, the restaurant Serena and I are obsessed with
  • The latest on Bruttus, the official cat of the Running Lifestyle Show, and how the product, Kittyo could really help Bruttus not be so grumpy
  • The latest on Serena’s knee and my toes

Serena recommended that men focus on foods such as rice, rice crackers, bananas, and well cooked vegetables four days before a marathon.  For us women, her "general" advice, (because we know EVERY body is different), is to eat what we normally eat, but to avoid insoluble fiber foods such as cruciferous vegetables, oatmeal, legumes, beans, and kale. Those are great foods in general, just not 48-72 hours before a marathon.  Serena’s blog post about this can be found HERE.

Thanks to ElliptiGo. I'll be able to sustain my level of fitness, even if I have to take some time off from running due to sore toes.


Tera Moody:
Facebook Page
Wikipedia Page

Serena Marie, RD:
Facebook: /SerenaMarieRD
Twitter: @SerenaMarieRD
Instagram: SerenaMarieRD

Direct download: tera-moody-09-29-2015.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00am EST

Dr. Vinny Kripalu, an internal medicine doctor who is living the running lifestyle, is on the show to share how he is running the run and walking the walk. During our discussion, Vinny shows how the mind controls our body and decides what we are focusing on. Charlie Barkowski, of Running with Miles, is back to tell us how his trip around the world running six marathon distance runs on six continents in 4 days and 21 hours went.  Serena Marie, RD, talks all things Vitamin C, how much you need, and where to find it. Serena and I also discuss our training for the Chicago, NYC, and Philadelphia Marathons.

To find out the 11 Strategies to Live the Running Lifestyle, please head over to and register.  You’ll also receive access to the Running Lifestyle Show private Facebook Group.

Dr. Vinny Kripalu

  • What made him start running, why he chose running, and the book he read to learn how to run
  • How you should incorporate other activities besides running to get a complete sense of well being
  • What runners live for
  • Why there are no unrealistic goals, just unrealistic timelines
  • What he recommends when it comes to weight loss
  • The best way of eating, including what oil he uses in cooking, where to get the bulk of your carbs, and whether you really need to carb load
  • How his thoughts on nutrition have changed and evolved over the years
  • What is the cornerstone of health (this may surprise you)
  • How to get more energy
  • How to stop “victim speak”
  • The two charities he has founded and why
  • Why having a feeling of connectedness is so important
  • What I’m using to help guide me in my meditation practice  (is this you, Kari, or him? I'm not sure.  if it's you I would remove it, if it's him then change to reflect that)
  • Facts are nothing and attitude is everything
  • What are his favorite quotes and affirmations, like “Life happens for me, not to me"
  • What would be a great mantra
  • What his passion and mission in life is getting people to feel the best that they can

Dr. Vinny Kripalu showed how the mind controls our body and decides what we are focusing on.  Vinny took his experience of “his numbers going up” and a family history of heart disease and cancer as an opportunity to change his ways.  Throughout our discussion it became apparent that nutrition, exercise, meditation, sleep, mindset, and being outside with your tribe are key to happy life full of wellness.

The TED Talk mentioned during the discussion with Vinny was presented by Dr. Lissa Rankin MD, titled "The Shocking Truth About Your Health."  It can be found HERE.

Charlie Barkowski

  • Overview of running in Greece, Cairo, Abu Dhabi, Sydney, Santiago, and Washington, DC
  • How delayed flights added to the stress of running around the world
  • The unexpected support he received at Hyatts around the world
  • Where he experienced the highest temperatures
  • The out-of-this-world experience on a flight from Abu Dhabi to Sydney
  • What surprised him about the trip

Charlie epitomizes the amazing experiences you can have when combining the gifts of running and travel, and how to best utilize rewards points to get there.  His was certainly the trip of a lifetime! Hear how his body held up, the amazing support he received from runners around the world, and the joy of raising money for the Wounded Warrior Project. 

Serena Marie, RD

  • Why we need Vitamin C
  • How much Vitamin C is recommended for women and men
  • Foods that contain Vitamin C

It’s really important for us to consume Vitamin C, not just when we have a cold.  What’s great about the research Serena shares is that consuming extra Vitamin C can help shorten the length of a cold. Some of the best sources for Vitamin C are raw red peppers, cauliflower, broccoli, brussel sprouts, kale, and oranges. 

If you want to check out further research about if consuming extra Vitamin C will diminish the length of a cold, you can check out the following study:


Please help Serena and me raise funds for Action for Healthy Kids when we run the Chicago and NYC Marathons.  Your money goes toward feeding kids healthy school breakfast and lunches and providing them with much needed fitness equipment.

Click HERE to donate.

Next week is all things Chicago Marathon. You’ll want to subscribe to the podcast (if you haven’t already) because you never know when a surprise episode could be released.  Subscribe to iTunes or Stitcher.


Vinod Kripalu, MD:
Practice: Trinity Medical Associates
Charities: Premiere Charities, Delaware Medical Relief Team

Charlie Barkowski:
Facebook: /runningwithmiles
Twitter: @runwithmiles

Serena Marie, RD:
Facebook: /SerenaMarieRD
Twitter: @SerenaMarieRD
Instagram: SerenaMarieRD

Direct download: vinny-kripalu-09-24-2015.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00am EST

Calling all fans of Disney, Running, or Inquiring Minds about how much protein to eat. We have the episode for you.  You’ll hear all about the MAJOR pixie dust my son William received at Typhoon Lagoon, the best places to run at Disney World, where to eat at DW, what rides you must ride, and the resorts my husband Robert and I recommend.  Becky Kotsifas is back to tell us about her third half marathon this year at Disney, the Disneyland Half Marathon, and compares it to other runDisney races she has run.  Serena Marie, RD,  talks all things protein and then Serena and I discuss our training for the Chicago, NYC, and Philadelphia Marathons.

Want to know about how you too can have the gift of running be a part of your lifestyle? Head over to and you’ll receive the 11 Strategies to Live the Running Lifestyle.

Special thank you to Jeff Galloway and ElliptiGo for getting me ready to run the Chicago, NYC, and Philadelphia Marathons.  ElliptiGo is like a an elliptical machine/bike that you ride outside. It gives you a great runners high (and I mean HIGH) and lets you “run” without the impact!

William Gormley

·         How to experience the ultimate pixie dust at Disney World, which is opening a park.  William Gormley shares with you how he was “Big Kahuna” and what that means.  And how you can be Big Kahuna someday.

Robert Gormley

·         What resorts to stay at and running around the Boardwalk, Hollywood Studios, Animal Kingdom (don’t do it!), and Port Orleans Riverside and Port Orleans French Quarter

·         New restaurants we tried 

·         The restaurant which is the best value when it comes to Crab Legs

·         The number one tip when eating at Be Our Gust

·         Favorite restaurants we go to every time

·         What dessert NOT TO MISS at Boma

·         What rides not to miss at the parks

·         What great tips we received from The Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World by Bob Sehlinger and Len Testa.

The big takeaways when it comes to the interviews with William and Robert Gormley is that you need to get to a park early, if you want to be able to open it.  We strongly recommend running at the Port Orleans Riverside and Port Orleans French Quarter Resorts.


Some restaurants not to miss are Cape May Cafe, Be Our Guest, Boma, Sanaa, California Grill, Wolf Gang Puck Express, and Narcoose’s. Our favorite rides include Kilimanjaro Safari, Expedition Everest, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, Splash Mountain, Toy Story Midway Mania, Soarin, and Test Track. We booked directly with Disney World this trip.


When we don’t go through the Disney World Reservations to book our trip, we have been very happy and satisfied with David’s Vacation Club Rentals.  Through David’s service, we have been able to pay a moderate hotel’s price, but stay at Deluxe Resorts including Bay Lake Tower, Beach Club, Animal Kingdom Kidani Village (with a savannah view) and the Boardwalk Resort.  Every time we have requested a certain type of room, David’s team has been able to come through for us (thank you!).

Becky Kotsifas 

·         Discusses her year of Run Disney - Princess Half, Tinkerbell Half, Disneyland Half, and Wine and Dine Half

·         The special medals Becky has received for running multiple races

·         Celebrating the 10 year Anniversary of runDisney

·         Highlights of the Disneyland Half Marathon

·         The signs along the course

·         The breakdown of men vs. women in the Disneyland Half

·         Why the Wine and Dine Half Marathon is a favorite among many people

Serena Marie, RD, 

·         Why you need protein even if you’re not lifting a lot of weights

·         Serena’s explanation of how much protein a runner needs & how to do it

·         How to estimate your protein needs depending on your running distance and goals

·         How to estimate a portion of protein if you are a man or woman

·         Where to go for a list grams of protein in foods

·         What are great sources of protein


The big take-aways from our talk with Serena are to know how much protein you need based on your goals, weight, and distance.  If you’re training for for 5ks/10ks or recreational running aim for ~1 gram of protein per kilogram.  If you’re training for  marathons should aim for ~1.2-1.4 gm/kg protein. If you’re training for endurance events in conjunction to heavy strength training regimen ideally aim for ~1.6-1.7 gm/kg.

Go to (which is actually a site through the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, but refers to the American Dietetic Association food exchanges) to get a list of how much protein is in a serving. You can estimate protein by looking at your palm.  If you’re a woman, your palm can be estimated to be a 4-5 ounce portion of high biological value protein (meat, fish, eggs). If you’re a man, your palm will represent 5-6 ounces of high biological value protein. Each ounce of animal protein has 6 grams of protein.  

Please say a prayer, send positive intentions, that Serena’s knee gets better. Another way to support our efforts is to donate to Team Kari and Serena Run NYC and Chicago for Action for Healthy Kids.  Every dollar makes a difference in helping a child eat healthier foods and move their bodies.

Next week we’re going to hear from Dr. Vinny Kripalu, MD, an internist who practices an integrated medical approach and is a fellow marathoner.  Please subscribe to the podcast through iTunes, Stitcher, or whatever podcast app you use.  You never know when a surprise episode comes up and by subscribing, you won’t miss it.




Direct download: disneyworld-09-17-2015.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00am EST

Ellen Rohr, a business coach and motivational speaker, who was the featured guest and Runner of the Week last week, comes back on the show to share more stories of how running has impacted her life in so many positive ways. Ellen and I discussed:

  • Why she loves using a metronome and how its helped her hips
  • How running is the river that threads her best friend and her together
  • How being in pain running her last marathon was one of her favorite marathons
  • How confidence comes from doing things for a long time
  • What a race/event makes her want to do
  • How I (Kari Gormley) started running
  • Why choosing clothes are so important
  • How running keeps on reminding her of the beginners path and how running gives us opportunity to learn and grow

The top take-aways with part two of our conversation:

  • When you get injured, it’s feedback that you aren’t doing something correctly and learn from it.
  • How the more you do something, the more confident you become.
  • There is no such thing as bad running weather, just inappropriate running clothes.

If you’d like to find out the 11 strategies to live the running lifestyle, please head over to and find out. :-)

Need to buy some books, or perhaps some general supplies? You can help support the show with out paying a dime is to shop through Amazon HERE.

Our Runner of the Week, Sponsored by Sport Suds, is from Running With Miles, is Charlie Barkowski. Good thing Charlie is going to receive Sport Suds when you hear about this:

  • How Charlie is running six marathon distances around the world in seven days for pennies on the dollar
  • The number one tip for booking airline award availability
  • Why consider Wow airlines when flying from Boston or Baltimore to Europe
  • Why the Reykjavík Marathon is one of his favorites
  • Top Tips when it comes to traveling for a marathon

The Top Take-aways with Charlie Bukowski are:

  • You can travel the world through credit card bonus award cards.
  • There are many great marathons held on Fridays or Saturdays such as Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Baltimore, Fargo, North Dakota, and Akron, Ohio.
  • He is looking forward to his trip, but has some fears when it comes to running on a treadmill in Cairo and running on the streets of Abu Dhabi when it’s over 100 degrees.

Charlie will be back on the show next week to share how his six marathon distance runs across six continents in only a week went. We’ll hear how he handled the heat, how nice flying in business class and first class was, traveling in the “apartment” from Abu Dhabi, and much more.

By the way, you can receive a 15% discount when you head over to and use code RUNLIFE when checking out.

Serena Marie, RD, discusses:

  • How her 20 mile run went over the weekend in New Jersey
  • What resources Serena is and can use for her knee that is hurting
  • What would make a 20 mile run SUPER INTENSE
  • Why you want to consume Omega 3s
  • Which food is best for Omega 3s
  • How and when she plans on indulging after the marathons

The Top Three Take ways with Serena Are:

  • Eat fatty fish like salmon, achieves, sardines as optimal ways to consume Omega 3s
  • Plan B sources for Omega 3s are grass fed beef, chia seeds, and hemp seeds
  • Go with the flow and if we able to run all three marathons, it’s a gift. If not, running is still a gift. Oh, and Serena might get “something” (you have to listen to find out) after becoming a Marathon Maniac.

It’s all things Disney as a vacation and for running next week when Becky Kotsifsas comes on to share her Disneyland Half Marathon experience, and my husband, son and I share are best Disney trips to creating a magical experience.


Ellen Rohr:
Facebook: /barebonesbiz and /ellenrohr
Twitter: @ellenrohr
YouTube: Ellen Rohr

Charlie Barkowski:
Facebook: /runningwithmiles
Twitter: @runwithmiles

Serena Marie, RD:
Facebook: /SerenaMarieRD
Twitter: @SerenaMarieRD
Instagram: SerenaMarieRD

Direct download: ellen-rohr-09-10-2015.mp3
Category:Sports and Recreation -- posted at: 4:00am EST

Get ready to get fired up and laugh a lot when Ellen Rohr, a business coach and public speaker, tells us about the roller coaster of her running journey. Ellen shares how running has “changed over the years” and how her running has evolved. Serena Marie, RD, dives in deep to share what fructose is, what are some myths around it, and recommends how much fructose to have in a day. Serena and I talk about our training for the Chicago, NYC, and Philadelphia marathons and the amazing progress we’re making when it comes to fundraising for Action for Healthy Kids.

If you’d like to find out 11 strategies to live the running lifestyle, please head over to and find out. :-)

If you have any shopping coming up, an easy way to support the show without paying a dime is to shop through our Amazon store here.

Ellen address:

·         How to schedule your time so you can run

·         How to go about plan free days and why

·         When and why she actually liked running

·         How running kept her “straight" in college

·         How her body teaches her so much

·         Why her first marathon was “made up”

·         What she told her sister to encourage her to run a race and how Ellen ended up not telling the truth

·         Why Ellen is taking on two marathons in a year when she is 55 years

The biggest take away from the first part of Ellen’s discussion (part two going live next week) is that if you don’t plan your time, then someone else will do it for you. A lot of times we think we need to be somewhere, when we really don’t. Do what feels right to you and is best for your mind, body and spirit.

As Runner of the Week (and she was also the featured guest), Ellen is going to receive Sport Suds laundry detergent, which is free from harsh chemicals and dyes, to wash her clothes. We know that Ellen is usually able to get herself out the door to run, but if “stinky” clothes was ever an excuse, then Sport Suds would clean that excuse (get it? ;-)) away. Listeners of the Running Lifestyle Show receive a 15% discount when using the code “RUNLIFE” at check out at

Serena shares:

·         What consuming high amounts of sugar can lead to

·         What is fructose

·         Why agave nectar should be avoided

·         What is leptin and why it is good

·         How fructose gets absorbed and how it doesn’t spikes insulin

·         How fructose gets metabolized 

·         How your liver becomes fatty

·         What is Non alcoholic fatty liver disease 

·         What to remember about fruit

·         Why the ideal threshold of 20-50 grams of fructose is ideal

·         Why it’s important to read the ingredient list and how the list can change over time

·         Why eating non GMO soy is ideal when possible

·         Why Serena isn’t a fan of soy lethicin 

·         Why rice is not that problematic of a carb when putting in long miles

·         Serena’s favorite dried fruit and my favorite dried fruit

The big take away????? You can get liver disease from over doing it on the sugar. Also, a few servings of fruit is no big deal, but there is a limit. The fact that there is no leptin in fruit is a “well that makes sense” moment because whenever I eat fruit as a snack, I am STILL hungry.  What is a great thing to pair with fruit you may be asking? How about Energy Bits, which by the way, you can get a 25% discount when you type in “RUNLIFE” at

Serena and I discuss my “CRAY CRAY” 23 mile run around the Port Orleans Riverside Hotel at Disney World and how I ran with the gators (literally). Thank you to Tracy Slayton and Denny Krahe from Diz Runs podcast for running with me in the middle of the night. Serena had a nice shorter training run in the Hamptons and looks forward to running in Jersey over the holiday weekend, while I’ll be running in Vermont.

The product that saved me from shafing (which started at mile 7 of 23) was Chamois Butt’r.


Thank YOU, thank YOU to all of the people who donated in August to help Team Kari and Serena run NYC and Chicago for Action for Healthy Kids. YOU are SO appreciated. If you haven’t donated yet/or would like to donate more, you can head over to:

Direct download: ellen-rohr-09-03-2015.mp3
Category:Sports and Recreation -- posted at: 4:00am EST